Monday, August 15, 2016

Brazilian State Legislature of Pernambuco Establishes Memorial Day of Jewish Victims of the Inquisition

Brazilian State Legislature of Pernambuco Establishes Memorial Day of Jewish Victims of the Inquisition

By José Roitberg
The Sephardic Association in Pernambuco, Brazil, announces that state Law 15.871 has been enacted. Authored by State Representative Joel da Harpa (PTN-PE), it establishes in the official calendar in the state of Pernambuco March 31st as Memorial Day of Jewish Victims of the Inquisition.
This was a historic victory, which will honor our Jewish ancestors who were victims for more than 300 years of religious persecution in Brazil.
Law of Memorial Day of Jewish Victims of the Inquisition
“May this day be a landmark in our history, and may we annually remember Sephardic Jews who came to Pernambuco and here built their families and, resiliently, resisted all kinds of oppression, remaking a different way of keeping themselves Jews (through Crypto-Judaism), and making possible for us today to recover our roots! And may this day be also a day to fight all forms of religious intolerance.”

To know more about the subject, we recommend the Museum of the History of the Inquisition ( and to watch our full report on this museum in Brazil on YouTube.
Translated by Julio Severo from the original in Portuguese of the Brazilian Jewish website Menorah Net: Assembleia Legislativa de Pernambuco cria Dia em Memória dos Judeus Vítimas da Inquisição
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